Stakeholder Sessions recordings

Monday 24 April

9:30 - 11:00

Local energy community as small hydrogen valley – H2LEC

A small energy community with integrated hydrogen systems, connected to the grid, can be seen as an ecosystem with shared values and objectives, serving as a subsystem within the larger energy supply system. In this community, hydrogen plays a crucial role in balancing local energy production and consumption, thereby creating a 'small hydrogen valley'.

  • Mr.Bart Biebuyck, CEO, Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Mr.Gerhard Meindl, SWW StaadtWerk Wunsiedel
  • Mr.Zoran Marinšek, PhD, CEO; Competence centre for Advanced Control Technologies (Zavod KC STV)
  • Mr.Sašo Brus, CEO, RENN Solutions d.o.o.
  • Mrs Martina Wettin, Partner, Nilsson Energy

1st Stakeholder session

1st Stakeholder session from WMH INSTITUTIONNEL on Vimeo.

11:30 - 13:00

Real-Time Economy- new mindset and skills for the regions

Building a resilient, effective and competitive business environment is common goal for all countries and macro regions. Real-Time Economy concept is offering novel, innovative and attractive approach how to do it and in which areas countries could strengthen their collaboration. Wider digitalisation, automatisation, standardisation and development of interoperable business environment are the key enablers for achieving business friendly and sustainable economic environment.

  • Mr. Esa Kokkonen, Director of Baltic Insitute of Finland, Baltic Sea Region Strategy PA Innovation lead
  • Ms. Sandra Särav- Deputy Secretary General for Business and Consumer Environment Department, representative of PA Innovation
  • Ms. Inga Ablingiene- Baltic Sea Region Strategy PA Transport coordinator, Transport Innovation Agency International Relations manager
  • Mr. Ralf-Martin Soe- phD, researcher TalTech University Estonia and Stanford University, Head of Smart Cities Centre of Excellence
  • Mr. Luca Mion – Alpine Strategy, Smart Industries SubGroup Leader (AG2)

2nd Stakeholder session

2nd Stakeholder session from WMH INSTITUTIONNEL on Vimeo.

14:00 - 15:30

How to accelerate natural gas phase out in Europe – First hand experiences and strategies from EUMRS

Europe’s sustainable energy policy has been dramatically impacted by the Russian-Ukrainian war and its consequences on the European energy systems, which seriously affected all 4 macro-regions. After surviving the first winter with serious reductions, the session shares and discusses experiences from different MRS on visions how to decarbonize any of the sectors without significant future shares of natural gas and how to prepare for the upcoming years.

  • Borbála Tóth, Senior Research Associate, Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK)
  • Ben McWilliams, Energy and climate consultant (Bruegel)
  • Etienne Viénot, AURA-EE, EUSALP AG9 co-leader
  • Annamária Nádor, EUSDR-PA2 Sustainable Energy, PAC
  • Davide Tabarelli, EUSAIR Pillar 2 – Sub-Group on Energy Networks
  • Fabio Tambone, Director of External International Relations of ARERA, Italy
  • András Hujber, DG Energy

3rd Stakeholder session

3rd Stakeholder session from WMH INSTITUTIONNEL on Vimeo.

16:00 - 17:30

Accelerating sustainable, strategic innovation collaboration across the EU’s macro-regions

The session explores the experience and ambition of key actors across the macro-regions of EUSBSR and EUSALP, to play a strong role in delivering EU’s innovation goals. It discusses how new EU tools to drive innovation collaboration align with the needs of the macro-regions, as well as the enablers and challenges that exist. The session will bring ideas and recommendations to promote strategic dialogue across the macro-regions and to contribute to the ongoing design of EU instruments.

  • Alison Hunter, Director, Economic and Public Policy Consultancy (EPPC)
  • Jonas Lundström, Head of Enterprise, Innovation and Social Development, Region Västerbotten, EUSBSR
  • Salla-Maria Lauttamäki, Development Manager, Regional Council of Southwest Finland
  • Cristina De Capitani, Action Group 2, EUSALP
  • Stefano Sala, Policy Officer, Technical Support Structure, EUSALP (Key Implementer)

4th Stakeholder session

4th Stakeholder session from WMH INSTITUTIONNEL on Vimeo.

Tuesday 25 April

9:30 - 11:00

Danube Region Programme - new skills for future jobs and the energy transition

Investing in skills development is crucial for the future prosperity and inclusiveness of the Danube region. The session examines how DRP influences the uptake of the new skills and retaining skilled workforce in the region. The session will also provide insights for stakeholders dealing with labor markets, skills, and employment on the new funding to promote upskilling, followed by a discussion.

  • Mirjana Vidanovic, DRP MA/JS communication officer
  • Stephen Halligan, MA/JS coordinator social topics
  • Horst Schindler, MA/JS coordinator energy topic
  • Astrid Heindel, University of Applied Sciences, Landshut
  • Tina Igličar Kubalik, Dex Innovation Centre

5th Stakeholder session

5th Stakeholder session from WMH INSTITUTIONNEL on Vimeo.

11:30 - 13:00

Sustainable cooperation across the macro-regions. Adding value through MRS SUs in developing skills

MRS proved to be a successful way of improving the integration and coherent development in Europe. However, the number of topics & stakeholders can slow down the implementation process. Hence, the MRS Supporting Units (SUs) were established to ensure a targeted and streamlined implementation to support key stakeholders & governance of MRS. For the first time, all 4 SUs meet to share achievements, synergies and future plans. The session provides context for continuation of cross-MRS cooperation.

  • Mr. Robert Lichtner, Coordinator, Danube Strategy Point, EUSDR
  • Ms. Katharina LENZ, Pillar Officer, Danube Strategy Point, EUSDR
  • Mr. Juhani AILIO, Project Manager, Baltic Strategy Point, EUSBSR
  • Ms. Eva KOS, Lead Project Manager, Facility Point, EUSAIR
  • Mr. Maxime HEIDEL CACCIUTOLO, Governance & Partnership Coordinator, Technical Support Structure, EUSALP

6th Stakeholder session

6th Stakeholder session from WMH INSTITUTIONNEL on Vimeo.

14:00 - 15:30

The contribution of the Regional Innovation Valleys to cohesive EU via funding & shared knowledge.

The gaps in innovation progress & the funding countries receive within the New EU Innovation Agenda priorities are challenges in strengthening the EU’s innovation ecosystems and creating Regional Innovation Valleys (RIV). Despite the CEE’s innovation rapid growth & increasing investment, it’s demanding to catch up with a constantly accelerating innovation pace. We will discuss mitigating measures, best practices & the learning curve in funding innovation, developing RIV and role of MRS.

  • Katarina CSEFALVAYOVA, Executive Lead of the Danube Tech Valley Initiative in Globsec
  • Johan MAGNUSSON, Team Leader Danube and Baltic Sea Regions; Directorate General Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
  • Luke INCORVAJA, Chief Innovation Office; Europe institute of Innovation & Technology
  • Peter ŠOLTÉS, the Board Member of Directors of IT Valley Košice, CEO of Promiseo
  • Kaloyan RATCHEV, Vangavis’ Founder, a founding board member of the Bulgarian Artificial Intelligence Cluster, a Steering Committee Member of the European AI Forum

7th Stakeholder session

7th Stakeholder session from WMH INSTITUTIONNEL on Vimeo.

16:00 - 17:30

Tackling the energy crisis in transport - smart solutions from MRS for a joint policy dialogue

With roughly one third of the total energy consumption in the EU and high dependence on fossil fuels, transport deserves special attention. The session will focus on challenges and solutions in saving energy, using clean energy and reducing thus the carbon footprint of transport. Due to their cross-sectoral and cross-border nature, the MRS have a particular role to play. The session will provide a basis for launching a policy dialogue on energy transition in transport in and across all four MRS.

  • Mrs Helen Lückge, Climonomics, Germany
  • Mr Marko Kovac, Ph.D., Institut “Jožef Stefan", Slovenia – ODYSEE_MURE project: What methods are available for evaluating energy efficiency policies in the transport sector?
  • Mrs Mirka Laurila-Pant – Baltic Sea Region challenges in the energy transition of the transport sector, saving energy, using clean energy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Mrs Viktoria Weissenburger, Team Manager Action Programmes at viadonau (Austrian Waterway Company) – Challenges for the energy transition in Danube navigation on the path towards sustainable mobility.
  • Mr Franc Zepic, Priority Area Coordinator 1B of the EUSDR, Ministry of Infrastructure, Slovenia.
  • Mr Etienne Vienot, Project Manager European and International Affairs, Auvergne Rhône Alpes Energy Environment Agency, France, EUSALP Action Group 9 Co-Lead – Alpine challenges in the energy transition of the transport sector.

8th Stakeholder session

8th Stakeholder session from WMH INSTITUTIONNEL on Vimeo.

Wednesday 26 April

9:30 - 11:00

Development of resilient value chains and their impact on sustainable energy supply its saving potential

Session will show how energy and further resources will be saved and a more resilient supply be possible. International diversification of supply and value chains as a key factor in maintaining competitiveness and reducing risk dependency for SMEs, ensuring the supply of energy, food, goods to the population throughout Europe. In the session approaches will be presented which also include examples of bioeconomy by using nutrient resource from agriculture and circular economy by avoiding food waste.

  • Dr Gerd Meier zu Köcker, Managing Director RegioClusterAgentur Baden-Württemberg Co-coordinator of EUSDR PA 8 Cluster and Regional Development Working Group and Coordinator of EUSALP Action Group 2 Sub-Group on Bioeconomy, Thematic Priority (Subgroup) Bioeconomy/Cluster Development.
  • Nirvana Kapitan Butkovic, Coordinator of EUSDR Priority Area 8 Competitiveness of Enterprises
  • Prof. Dieter Hertweck, Research Professor for Service Science at Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences Coordinator of the EUSDR PA 8 Digital Danube Working Group Expert on the topic of ""Digital tools for identifying and implementing circular economy value chains in SMEs
  • Mateja Dermastia CEO of Anteja ECG, a women-led international consultancy dedicated to promoting sustainable economic development. Partner in the Danube Transnational Programme Interreg project GoDanuBio (EUSDR) and representative of EUSALP and EUSAIR Presentation of VCG.AI
  • Erik Sindhöj PhD Researcher at RiSe in Sweden, specialist about recycling of nutrients at RISE RESEARCH INSTITUTES OF SWEDEN, Representative of EUSBR.
  • Marko Mitrovič Founder of Optifood, Maribor, Slovenia, Representative of EUSALP

9th Stakeholder session

9th Stakeholder session from WMH INSTITUTIONNEL on Vimeo.