

Did you attend the event as *

Your Organisation type *

Please rate the activities in relation to your expectations
Did not meet my expectations at all
Partially met my expectations
Neutral/No opinion
Met my expectations
Fully met my expectations



Please rate the quality of the content of the sessions you participated in:

Sessions held on 24, 25 and 26 April:
Stakeholder sessions online, on Zoom


Plenary sessions held on 26 and 27 April:
Opening Session - Commissioner Ferreira and 4 EU MRS Presidencies

Skills for resilient societies

Meet the new heads behind the MRS unit in DG REGIO

Energy security and clean energy transition: what is the role of the EU macro-regional strategies?

Financing Macro-Regional cooperation


Sessions held on 28 April:
15th High-level group meeting

4 EU MRS Trio Presidency Meeting


How do you assess the achievement of each of the following key objectives during the 4th EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week?

Interaction between MRS stakeholders and EU Institutions' Representatives *

Discussions on cross-cutting issues, such as Energy, Skills and Funding *


0 / 1500

0 / 1500

0 / 1500

0 / 1500

0 / 1500

Please rate your overall experience of the event *


0 / 1500

Are you satisfied with the overall length of the 4th EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week? *

Call for stakeholder sessions


Should the EU MRS Week continue to include stakeholder sessions to the Programme? *

How do you rank the registration process for the call for stakeholder sessions?

Length of the call for stakeholder session?


0 / 1500



Please rate your experience for the following aspects:

Registration process *

Communications and support from the Secretariat *

Website event (livestreaming, agenda, useful information) *

Zoom Meeting platform *

Venue Event Lounge



General comments


0 / 1500

0 / 1500

0 / 1500